Friday, December 18, 2009

a break...

So, the benefit of campus ministry is that the school schedule is your schedule. After four days with the boss-man in Houston at a campus ministry conference, I have about two and a half weeks to be/think/pray (a.k.a. think and pray while I build a house!). These are my two big thoughts for the next couple of weeks...

how do you help a senior college leader who's passionate for Jesus be ready to face life in the church?

how can we change the church to accommodate a college post-grad who's passionate for Jesus?

I'd love to have your thoughts (in comment form!) if you have any contributions...


amay December 23, 2009 at 7:51 PM  

I have been trying to figure those out for myself! How do you move from Wesley community into the real world? It is really hard!
I am trying to remember that Wesley was the beginning, and we are moving from glory to glory, so things should get better from there!

Kristina January 25, 2010 at 11:04 AM  

Hey David, it's Kristina Boothe. I stumbled on your blog from Alyssa's blog.

I was skimming through the sweet pictures of your house and girls and this question caught my attention.

Wesley can be a hard place to get used to a close commmunity that is easy to plug into...and people doing things for you...discipling you, feeding you, befriending you, praying for you, remembering your name, giving you a place to serve, all these things are easy to take for granted. Not to mention all the other amazing the lifestyle of prayer and worship.

I would say the main thing I learned post-grad/ just the importance of being proactive.
I'm an adult now and I can't expect the church or church community to fill all my needs spiritually. I can no longer be so consumer-minded.
If I want deep friendships, I have to make that leap and be vulnerable.
If I want to serve, I have to jump right in and initiate it.
If I am wanting accountability I go out and find someone to be accountable to.
If I am wanting a lifestyle of prayer and worship, what do I do if there are no prayer groups around me or worship services I "click" with? I pray anyways, I find people who want to pray with me, I choose to worship in my daily life and choose to "engage" in worship services despite the "click."

That would be my main advice to post-grads. Be proactive. Take ownership of your own relationship with Christ.
Sow and encourage this ownership into the lives of college students, so when they leave the safe "bosom" of Wesley/college life, they have roots that will remain when it's not quite as "easy."