Thursday, September 24, 2009

two birthdays

Hannah turned 2 today. We pulled a table into the foyer so that Carolyn could watch us eat birthday dinner as she laid in bed with a stomach bug. Hannah is "twue." Lou, of course, complained of stomach aches the whole night--the queen of sympathetic pains! Maybe its a gift...

A friend of mine trusted Jesus with his life today! We've had some good conversations over the last 6 months or so, and he made the choice after we talked about some things again at lunch today. His prayer? "I'm in. Help me to be in." Beautiful! Praise Christ!

Monday, September 14, 2009

eventful days...

After many sewing hours and much lugging of heavy iron beds from the shed to the room, Hannah graduated into 'the big girl bed' last night. She couldn't be more pleased. And we couldn't either--she's stayed in bed both nights in the new bed...let angels prostrate fall. Praise Christ!
The Cole Bros. Circus came to town and we went this afternoon. Elephants, twirling ladies on bedsheet trapezes, clowns--the whole enchilada. The girls were wide eyed the whole time. They loved it. All sorts of mayhem would be going on and Em would just be staring at the curtain on the far end. Carolyn: Do you see them swinging, Lou? Emmaleigh: I'm waiting on the elephants. Over and over again...elephants were the grand finale.

And lastly, dinner conversation. David: Okay, let's pray. Emmaleigh: Okay, wait. I need to get this noodle out of my shirt.