Sunday, October 25, 2009

a day...

As Mom says, "it's been a day." Subtly understated. Interpretation: "Today was too much to describe. I'm still processing. Talk to me after my nap."

I led worship this morning at Heritage Community, Carolyn's Dad's church. Then on to an Inner Healing training at 1 for Wesley and then Community Group Leader Training at 5 for Athens Church. Great day, long day...not much of a Sabbath.

Any helpful suggestions for life with two (soon to be three) kids under 4? A.K.A. any suggestions for having a life with young kids, as opposed to just coping? Do you have to cut everything? Just wait it out for 20 years? We've cut out a lot and today was really an anomaly in the schedule (though it made me aware of some bad life patterns). House will be done in January. Fall semester will be done in January! Jena's recovery is progressing well at this point. So, new beginnings are upcoming, but we'd like to start better life habits. Putting it out there to get some wisdom, if you don't mind posting a comment...

Monday, October 19, 2009

at Watson Mill Bridge...

All the cousins came on Sunday afternoon for the picnic and a hike...

Monday, October 5, 2009


Every so often the Wesley staff will have a theme month. Last October we had Manna month, after the dewy bread from heaven. This October, Manna II, our staff has been directed to ask the Lord to renew our desire for him and to seek him for things that have been pushed aside and neglected. Psalm 63 sums it up nicely. Personally, I am always struck by how easy it is for the "fire" to grow still and smoldering inside of me. It doesn't take much for the flames to die down low. As I've been praying during the last week, I was reminded that the Lord's perpetual invitation is to seek him, to thirst for him. Normal Christian life isn't supposed to be's suppose to be supernatural! Christ is in us! In the last few months, though the Father has been so faithful, I've gotten pretty comfortable with 'less than.' Less faith in prayer, less perseverance. Less trust in some areas (and strangely more, in others). Certainly less longing for him. I don't usually like overly spiritual blog posts--too cliche. But I post this instead of pictures of my beautiful girls because I think it's past time that we all woke up from the slumber. The Lord's inviting us to cling to him again.